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END CREDITS SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xdgooP3fBc
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All of the following links are amazon associate links. I earn a commission on them at no extra cost to you.*
Raphael 8404 0: http://geni.us/SYqlZg
Raphael 8404 1: http://geni.us/YIBREk
Raphael 8404 2: http://geni.us/f5j8
Masterson’s Cleaner: http://geni.us/NaBs
Wet Palette: http://geni.us/m9Fh3cV
JACKSON ART LINKS (if you prefer not to use amazon)
Raphael 8404 size 0: http://bit.ly/2DlPYnN
Raphael 8404 size 1: http://bit.ly/2sxZeiB
Raphael 8404 size 2: http://bit.ly/2DjjfPX
Iwata HP-BH: https://geni.us/iHRCz
Compressor: http://geni.us/yLA8xl
Respirator: https://amzn.to/3VPNi9I
Badger Black Primer: https://geni.us/kPMAHF0
Tamiya Flat White: https://geni.us/xIQJ
Tamiya Thinner: https://geni.us/e1m1k2
Xacto Knife: https://geni.us/aX6ccyg
Clippers: https://geni.us/BEsWlT
Hobby Saw: https://geni.us/S3rhhA
Tweezers: https://geni.us/dh2LE9R
Files: https://geni.us/eg3J7x
Extra Thin Plastic Cement: https://geni.us/tpASK
Medium CA Glue: https://geni.us/tbAI
Thin CA Glue: https://geni.us/t6F5qt
Super Glue Instant Setter: https://geni.us/fdighH
Milliput: https://geni.us/IyhBRN
Apoxie Sculpt: https://geni.us/vE7au
Dremel: https://geni.us/kr2e96H
Dremel Keyless Chuck (for tiny drill bits): https://geni.us/PgjdSP
*Miniac LLC believes in transparency on the web and so we’re disclosing that certain products and links to those products on this site will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make. Our goal is to help educate you with the practice of painting minis, but please understand we are doing this as a for-profit business. Additionally, please note that Miniac is not responsible for any damage, injury, or loss incurred as a result of third-party or affiliate products, per the terms of Miniac’s Product Liability Disclaimer**. By using any link and/or reference provided by Miniac, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions contained within our Product Liability Disclaimer. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me by using the contact page. It can be accessed in the "About" menu on my channel page.
**Product Liability Disclaimer: https://miniac.co/pages/product-liability-disclaimer