3 Editing Secrets You Can’t Ignore | PowerDirector

Renegade Rich in the world wide web! 💯😇.

I use CyberLink for all my Directory listing websites. I have been very interested in directory website over the years and have tried many time to set some up using different platform. Miserably failing overt the years I never gave up and just recently discover Brilliant Directories that is a turn key directory platform. If you ever want to start your own directory website I highly recommend using this platform its free to set up and use with the option to purchases addons as needed. The only one you would really need to get started is the SSL Addon and its only $10 a month! No webhosting charges No programming, nothing! So If you are interested Use this link to sign up! It will give me credits and help me out a bit. Get Brilliant Directories Now 

I am in the process of creating 3 of those directory website now.

  1. Veterans Watch
  2. Journalist Report
  3. ITS Network (Immix Tachyon Synergy Network)
  4. Every video editor wants to create using a feature filled powerful app that’s easy to use. But, just because you have a great tool doesn’t mean you’re using it in the most efficient way. Today I’m going over some of tips and tricks that you can use to make videos efficiently and make them look more professional. 3 Editing Secrets You Can’t Ignore | PowerDirector

    0:00 Introduction
    9:33 Project Setup
    24:17 Timeline Setup
    31:33 Media Setup
    35:33 New Features
    40:55 PowerDirector Q&A Session
    1:15:25 Outro

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    PowerDirector Free Trial ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekPowerDirector
    PowerDirector 365 (Windows) ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekPowerDirector365
    PowerDirector 365 (Mac) ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekPowerDirectorMac
    PowerDirector Lifetime License ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekPowerDirectorLif
    PowerDirector Plug-ins & Effects ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekPowerDirectorPlg
    Director Suite Free Trial ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekDirectorSuite
    Director Suite 365 ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekDirectorSuite365
    PhotoDirector ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekPhotoDirector
    ColorDirector ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekColorDirector
    AudioDirector ➜ https://geni.us/MaliekAudioDirector
    Unlimited Royalty Free Music————
    Soundstripe ➜ https://soundstripe.com?fpr=pdu-tutorials
    Get 10% off with Promo Code “PDUTUTORIALS”
    PowerDirector University Merchandise ————-
    T-shirts & Merch ➜ https://geni.us/PDUMerchStore
    Equipment I Use & Recommend To Make Videos ————-
    My YouTube Starter Kit ➜ https://kit.co/PDU_Tutorials/youtube-starter-kit
    My Editing PC ➜ https://kit.co/PDU_Tutorials/my-editing-pc
    My Editing Bay ➜ https://kit.co/PDU_Tutorials/my-editing-bay
    My YouTube Studio ➜ https://kit.co/PDU_Tutorials/my-youtube-studio
    My Livestream Setup ➜ https://kit.co/PDU_Tutorials/my-livestream-setup
    My Audio Setup ➜ https://kit.co/PDU_Tutorials/my-audio-setup
    My Film & Event Setup ➜ https://kit.co/PDU_Tutorials/my-film-event-setup
    My Gimbal Game ➜ https://kit.co/PDU_Tutorials/my-gimbal-game
    All My Videomaking Kits ➜ https://kit.co/PDU_Tutorials
    My Amazon Store ➜ https://geni.us/L6g6HVd (Amazon)
    My Screen Recorder (Camtasia) ➜ http://bit.ly/2v0ut8b
    My Editing Software (PowerDirector) ➜ https://bit.ly/2Ptcf7J
    Grow Your YouTube Channel————-
    TubeBuddy ➜ http://tubebuddy.com/Tips4TheTube
    Branding & Design for Your YouTube Channel————-
    fiverr ➜ http://www.fiverr.com/s2/f63ceee514
    Other Ways to Support PowerDirector University————-
    GoFundMe ➜ https://www.gofundme.com/continue-making-youtube-videos
    Patreon ➜ https://www.patreon.com/maliekwhitaker
    PayPal ➜ https://www.paypal.me/maliekwhitaker
    PowerDirector University On the Web————-
    Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/PDUTutorials
    Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/pdu_tutorials/
    Reddit ➜ https://www.reddit.com/r/powerdirector/
    Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/wKpNDTkn
    PowerDirector Tutorial Requests ➜ https://goo.gl/forms/ZO7ZKnv7bpf7uRhN2
    Music in this video————-
    Title: Future Focus Version B
    Composer: Joshua Mosley
    Album: MusicBOX Collection 2
    Publisher: Digital Juice Music, INC.

    The music in this video is royalty free and purchased from DigitalJuice.com I have the rights and license to use the songs.

    Ethics statement: Some of the links above are affiliate links which means that if you click on them and buy, I receive a small commission. You do not pay more by clicking these links than if you just went to the website on your own. Thanks for your support!

    Author: PowerDirector University
    Go to Source

Greetings I'm Renegade Rich I do a lot of stuff and this is my catch all website!