My Post Today 06-27-2024 8:21 am

Working on my new site a little, but more so trying to get Been having problems with my feeds.

WordPress YouTube feeds with images or icons will list but wont post the article or video.

I run across this every time I set up a new site!

An example:

My rss feed aggregator will pull YouTube feed with some icons or images in the title line.

( My Favorite music Video✌️)

The aggregator will create this path on my site.✌️/

It will show the post on the main page but when you click to view the post it will give the 404 page not found error.

The only way to fix this is to go into your admin panel and navigate to

Change the option to select:


Problem solved.

Fixed feeds with emojis break the link

Greetings I'm Renegade Rich I do a lot of stuff and this is my catch all website!

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